A well-managed pond can be a tremendously productive fishery. As far as outdoor activities for kids go, a pond has a high potential for consistent kid fishing success. One important part of managing a pond is a fish habitat or fish structure, which can be a variety of items such as aquatic vegetation, artificial reef material, or submerged trees.
Fish habitat doesn’t just concentrate fish for angler success; the extra underwater surface area of these scuttled items will soon cultivate algae. This can kick start the food chain and increase the productivity of the entire system.
Fish structure such as a fallen tree or any aquatic vegetation can function as a place for smaller fish to hide from predators. Another post-Christmas tradition can be to sink the evergreen as a DIY fish habitat. Any time of the year works, though. Perhaps you’ve finally pruned those lower tree limbs that were hitting you in the face on the mower. One of your family activities than could involve bundling with twine and brick to sink in a strategic location in your pond. Hardwood limbs actually last longer underwater than evergreens
Channel catfish are commonly stocked in ponds but require some sort of a cavity for spawning. This may be artificial fish habitats such as a section of large diameter pipe or old milk container, or just a hollow log. Fathead minnows often are stocked as forage and need the underneath surface of the structure for spawning.
Besides fishing, people also like the visual appeal of a pond. In addition to the calming view of the water, many enjoy watching wildlife use the pond as well. If you are looking for things to do at home, consider adding a big log or two to your pond as a water feature. Logs attract the attention of wildlife such as sunbathing turtles and frogs, ducks, and other birds.
A fish habitat can be a tremendous asset to a pond. Plus, a Christmas tree can put up a pretty good fight on light line.
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